H.O.G.® Kinabalu Chapter

Whether you want to simply come along for the ride, take it year by year, or get in for the long haul, there’s a H.O.G.® membership to match your passion. Share your love of riding with the world and choose a membership that's best for you!

H.O.G.® Kinabalu Chapter Membership Benefits

Membership Fees RM100 nett (per Year)

Enjoy 10% discount on selected Merchandize and Accessories
Special rates for ride
Enjoy exclusive ride or event for H.O.G® Kinabalu Chapter members only
Complementary T-Shirt

Terms & Conditions

  • Must be a Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner.
  • Must be a current/ valid H.O.G.® International member.
  • Expired membership in H.O.G.® International automatically terminates local Chapter membership.
  • Chapter membership is a single level membership. There are no life or associate Chapter memberships. All Chapter members are entitled to all Chapter membership benefits.
  • The sponsoring Dealer or H.O.G.® Manager may terminate a person’s membership in the Chapter if the sponsoring Dealer, at their sole discretion, determines that a member’s conduct is undesirable or contrary to the sponsoring Dealer’s standard or vision.
  • A sponsoring dealer may refuse a Chapter membership application.


To join our chapter membership, you first need have a valid HOG international membership. Fill in the form and submit for approval. You will be notified for payment to be made once the application is approved.
Expired membership in H.O.G.® International automatically terminates local Chapter membership. To renew membership please log into https://members.hog.com/en_GB/HOG/HDMN_RenewLogin?PublicAccess=true.
You will receive an urgent renewal notice from HOG international through email and mailing address.
HOG international will send your membership materials to your mailing address once every year as long as your membership is kept valid.

Chapter materials to be collected at the dealership.
Please allow FOUR to SIX weeks for delivery of membership materials.
Membership materials consist of a pin, patch, membership card, and Harley Owners Group Membership Guide.